Frequently asked questions

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Shareholders, investors and financial analysts can find answers to frequently asked questions in this section.

AdVini shares

Where are AdVini shares listed?

AdVini shares are listed in Compartment C of the Euronext Paris stock exchange.

What is AdVini’s ISIN number?

AdVini’s ISIN number is FR0000053043.

Where can I find information about AdVini share performance?

The real-time price and historical performance of the share on the Euronext website are available in theKey Figures section.


When is AdVini’s financial information published?
The Calendar and Contact page lists the dates on which financial information is published throughout the year. Agenda et Contact.
Where can I find financial and non-financial news about AdVini?

Toutes les informations concernant l’actualité financière et extra-financière d’AdVini sont disponibles sur les pages suivantes :

Combined shareholder’s meetings

Where can I find information about the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting?

AdVini informs its shareholders of upcoming combined shareholders’ meetings by publishing a meeting notice in the BALO (the bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires, similar to the Federal Register in the United States).

The date of the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting is also published each year on the Calendar and Contact page.

Where can I find the preparatory documents and voting results of Combined Shareholders’ Meetings?
Preparatory documents for Combined Shareholders’ Meetings are available on the Presentations and Regulated information page in the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting section.